How to get to Skole

The start-up camp (coordinates 49.029134, 23.509203) is 700 meters from the Skole train station.

The nearest major city is Lviv.

Lviv has air connections with European countries.

From Poland there is the InterCity train (2 hours on the way):

Przemysl - Lviv: departure 15:45 - arrival 18:36, departure 18:37 - arrival 22:15
Lviv - Przemysl: departure 11:18 - arrival 12:25, departure 13:53 - arrival 15:03

There are several options for getting from Lviv to Skole.
- You can go by bus from the main bus station (Stryiska St, 109). Departure: 6:30, 8:30, 10:10, 12:50, 13:30, 16:30, 18:00.
- You can go by train from the suburban station (near bus station number 8, timetable (ukrainian
language), schedule may vary).
In both cases, tickets can be purchased before departure.
- Uber or taxi

By car

Car routes from Poland


Car route from Slovakia

Car route from Hungary

Car route from Romania

The entrance for cars into the tent city is prohibited. If you want to live in a tent camp, you will have to drive up, unload and take the car to the parking zone in the city. There are many parking places in the area near the railway station square.

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